Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hipster Dinosaurs?

 Just a funny link... hipster dinos

Gabi Trinkaus

  I really enjoy these pieces by Gabi  Trinkaus. On the exterior they may look like paintings but Trinkaus has taken photography and collage and created a beautiful surface with a wide range of textures/ tones/ text.

I would like to work with something like this soon.

Anthony Crossfield

Found Crossfield on beautiful decay. I enjoy the lighting and tones in these photographs as well as a suggestive narrative which is intriguing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lissy Laricchia

Laricchia is a Canadian photographer that creates dream-like imgaes by using props, digital manipulation and costumes. Location is another factor that plays into her scheme. I enjoyed her images because I cannot tell what she is digitally manipulating or what props she is using. She leaves me wondering and that is why and how she creates her photographs.

<--- Is that cloud of smoke photoshopped?Or is it simply made from cotton balls?

The figure being surrounded by trees gives this image a dream-like feel or perhaps even a fairy tale look to it.

This image reminds me of the Disney movies the Beauty and the Beast... the props/costume are suggestive of that. I don't think this photo has a cheerful ending like the childrens animated film does.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Jordana Sheara

Found this photographer on Beautiful Decay.

"Los Angeles based photographer Jordana Sheara makes lovely work, both personal and commissioned. With an inclination towards fashion photography, Sheara creates two distinct worlds in each of her photographs; the illuminated and the shadowed, lending instant drama to her photos. Her subjects always have a beauty about them, even right after waking up, when all you really care about is that first cigarette of the day."
I like the idea of the "illuminated and shadowed" worlds within each one of us. 

Kotama Bouabane

Found this photographer at beautiful decay.
"Toronto-based photographer Kotama Bouabane has an incredibly poignant series called “Melting Words.” The ice letters form typical break-up phrases, with their indelible messages transcending the medium’s own impermanence."
I like this because of the simplicity in her arrangement and the voice of her message.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Manuel Vason... ehhhh i'll think about it

So here is something that doesn't really intrigue me, Manuel Vason is a photographer/ performance artist who is interested in the human body expression. For a while now  I've had trouble understanding performance art, to be fair I think I just may not understand the meaning or perhaps I get it but I don't like the message it is portraying. Most of the time I would say I have absolutely no idea what is trying to be said with the performance. I think my problem with Vason's pieces are that they seem more like self mutilation for the sake of art than a "human body expression". I may be wrong, so like an artist once told me... if you don't like it ask yourself why you don't like it and give it another chance... maybe i'll just have to keep in touch with his images in order to fully understand... and if i don't like it then... then that is it!

I do like his use of color in these two.